Our new show, simply titled “California Wildflowers,” opens today! After a refreshingly wet winter, California enjoyed a lush and brilliant spring. In this show, eighteen painters celebrate that revitalizing season and its blossoms.
Below is one of the thirty-five paintings, “California Superbloom,” an 18″ x 24″ oil on canvas by guest artist Inga Poslitur (right). It’s framed in a quartersawn white oak (Medieval Oak stain) No. 1—3-1/2″ with proud splines pinned with six dowels at each corner.
You’ll have a chance to enjoy much more of Inga’s work later this summer, when we host “Inga Poslitur: New Paintings,” August 10 – September 14.
Today’s opening reception for “California Wildflowers” is from 2 to 4. I hope you’ll come! You can also view the entire show online here and here.
—Tim Holton