Mitered Frames—Basic

A variety of profiles rooted in a rich vernacular tradition but revitalized and adapted to complement and enhance a wide range of pictures. All are closed-corner frames, joined with deep splines for strength and durability far superior to the vast majority of commercially available frames. Offered in beautiful hardwoods, including quartersawn white oak, walnut, cherry, Honduran mahogany and maple, painstakingly finished to enhance the wood’s character and protect it for generations.





dfs-gen'l-5cnrs-webMany designs on this page are available only in wider profiles. To browse only narrow mitered profiles go to Drawing Frames…





compounds-2cnrs-webFor more elaborate, and our widest, mitered frames, see Compound Mitered Frames…





Our mitered frames are splined. Learn more about closed corner frames and proper frame joinery…




Basic Mitered Frame Categories—

Our mitered frames are organized by six basic, overall forms suited to nearly all pictures:

Flats | Chamfered | Slopes (or Bevels) | Coves | Cushions & Ovolos (convex) | Ogees

Click images to preview, captions to go to large views or frame design pages (where available)…


Flats —  frame profiles with the face parallel to the plane of the wall and the picture — start with the simplest frame, our No. 1, but also include much more refined and complex profiles in our Century Series, as well as carving.



Chamfered designs are basically flat profiles with 45 degree bevels used as a decorative element. This category includes Basic Chamfered and Hand-Chamfered designs.



Sometimes called “bevels,” these angle in to the picture. Enhancing angularity and/or depth of perspective in the picture, they can feel plain and rustic or, in the case of the Century Series designs, more refined.



Also called “scoops”, these are a graceful concave form leading in to the picture. Designs range from the heftier, more masculine and rustic (sometimes handcarved), to the more formal, softer and refined.


Cushions & Ovolos

Cushions and ovolos — profiles that are convex in section — include more refined Century Series profiles suited to more formal work, while the carved cushion designs suit more rustic depictions of hills, tree trunks, etc.



Ogees are profiles “S”-shaped in section — a classic form often suited to more highly rendered and formal pictures, especially figurative work and some still lifes.

See also—

Drawing FramesDrawing frames

For your convenience, we offer this page showing all the Basic Mitered frame designs available in profiles 1-1/2″ wide and narrower — especially useful if you’re matting your picture. View…



Mitered Frames—CompoundSpecial compound example — Paul Kratter painting

For more elaborate mitered designs, especially for paintings, go to Mitered Frames—Compound…