We fell in love with this painting when Kevin Brown brought it in a few months ago, had a great time framing it, and are very excited to finally be unveiling it. The 19″ x 21″ oil on board is titled “Snowy Egret, South Lake,” an scene Kevin spotted in Golden Gate Park. Between its luminosity (doubled by reflection), the enveloping greenery, and the tiny but captivating focal point of the waterbird, the picture rivets my attention. I love lakes, and this image evokes memories of summer afternoons exploring a shoreline, just enjoying being part of it.
In designing the frame, I wanted to sustain and expand the stillness the picture captures with a fairly plain, flat profile while at the same time acknowledging Kevin’s impressively sensitive rendering with subtle molding elements. The frame is a 3-1/2″ stained walnut flat with a low ovolo (convex) sight edge and a slight curl at the back edge. As a complement to the broad, smooth expanse, there’s a narrow carved ovolo near the sight edge. The proportions of the elements enhance the perspective that’s so masterfully handled and crucial to the charm of the scene and its power to pull us in. A narrow carved liner gilded with 18 kt pale leaf catches the sunlight emanating from the painting. But above all, the frame’s refinement is due to Trevor Davis’s impeccable craftsmanship.

Corner detail. The 3-1/2″ profile is stained walnut with a narrow carved ovolo and carved pale gold liner.
Kevin Brown‘s “Snowy Egret, South Lake” is one of more than fifty paintings by twenty outstanding artists of the Northern California landscape who will be featured in “Beloved California IV.” The show opens Saturday, November 16 with a reception for the artists (Kevin expects to be there!) from 4 to 6. It runs through the end of the year. More on the show here…
Read about framing Paul Kratter’s painting “Farm of the Freeway” here…
Read about framing Bill Cone’s pastel “Cliff A.M.” here…
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