We’ll be busy at the Gallery this coming week, as we put together Beloved California VIII, our all-gallery show that’s topped off each year since we moved to Berkeley in 2016. The exhibition opens this coming Saturday, November 4, with an artist reception from 2 to 4.
Our postcard shows off the piece below, Bill Cone‘s 18″ x 22″ pastel “Ediza Morning.” It’s from this year’s Granite Group trip, which Bill has been co-leading with Paul Kratter since 2004. This work is an excellent example of Bill’s masterful ability to capture the beauty of the Sierra Nevada—the Range of Light.
For the frame, I used black walnut and made a simple 3″ wide profile in a convex or cushion form suited to the awe-inspiring big granite, shaping it with a hand plane, so it’s subtly faceted and has a few tool marks. The profile is canted in to the picture to sustain and enhance the wonderful perspective. The inside edge is chamfered and carved. The back slopes in a just a little, which helps expose the proud splines that accent the corners. Inside the frame a carved liner with bronze wax harmonizes with some of the muted golden tones in the foreground grasses and cliffs awakening in the sun.
I hope you can come to the opening next Saturday. Again, it’s from 2 to 4. Beloved California VIII will run through the end of the year, closing December 30. It will also be viewable online, here.
Below, a couple apropos photos I stole from Bill’s blog.