A week from tomorrow we’ll unveil a new show celebrating ten years of representing one of our outstanding painters. “Richard Lindenberg: Quiet Discoveries”, featuring all new and recent paintings, will open on Saturday, September 23 with a reception for the artist from 2 to 4 p.m.
While most anyone will be stopped in their tracks by a grand, spectacular vista, it’s those painters especially attuned to the natural world who see—and help us to see—the beauty revealed in the more commonplace view, the extraordinary everyday scene. Richard is one of those painters making, as he calls them, “quiet discoveries.”
There’s an affinity between these simpler scenes Richard attends to and the humbler tradition of cabinetmakers’ frames that our work is built on. That natural harmony makes framing and exhibiting Richard’s works always a reward and pleasure.
We chose “Late Fall,” above, for the postcard and poster, and set the 18″ x 36″ oil on canvas in a fumed quartersawn oak compound frame comprised of a mortise and tenon flat and carved mitered sight molding. It has a carved cushion-shaped liner finished with bronze wax to complete the quiet harmony between frame and painting. In keeping with the proportions of the painting, the frame is 1/2″ wider on the sides (3-3/4″ vs 3-1/4″ for the top and bottom members). Trevor Davis built it, and Sam Edie finished it.
I hope you’re free on the 23rd and will come meet Richard and enjoy his beautiful quiet discoveries.