Paul Roehl Lecture

The Holton Studio Gallery Artist Highlight Series
Artist Presentation

“Beyond Representation: the Poetic Landscape”

Saturday, February 25 at 4:00 p.m.
At The Holton Studio Gallery

Can there be an optimal balance between naturalistic representation and poetic imagination in landscape painting? Santa Cruz painter and teacher Paul Roehl will share his journey to the discovery of landscape as a vital and poetic genre that retains validity even as a contemporary form. What is the place of ambiguity in aesthetics and in the artist’s pursuit of meaning? What are and have been the goals of landscape painters since the Barbizon and Hudson River Schools of painting, and including artists of the Twenty-First Century? Bringing to bear his expertise as both a practicing painter and art historian, Paul will explore these and other ideas and questions.

The Presentation will be part of Paul Roehl‘s work being highlighted at the Gallery through March 18. Come enjoy his paintings and what promises to be a fascinating talk.

Pictured: At top Paul Roehl at the opening of his February 2015 show with Robert Flanary, “A Continuous Harmony.”