Shown are some examples of frames and framed pictures with inserts. (Back to Inserts…)
- Hyatt Moore painting, “Cheyenne Boy”
- No. 308.2 with gilt No. 500—3/4″ (ogee) liner, on watercolor
- Compound with 1/8″ gilt slip
- No.143 in walnut (Nut Brown stain) with No. 400 slip on watercolor
- No. 143 “Hudson” frame with slip in white gold leaf
- 4001—3.5″-4″ on painting
- No 4122 with gilt carved cushion liner
- No. 4122 with gilt No. 400 CV cushion liner, on painting
- No. 4122 with beveled liner
- Syracuse frame with beveled liner, on Robert Flanary painting
- No. 400 Syracuse with beveled slip
- Hiroshi Yoshida, “Waiting for the Tide”