Paul Kratter takes commissions for landscape paintings both small and large — including mural sizes, like this 40″ x 61″ panel for a home in Seattle. With his career as a commercial artist, Paul is experienced with and enjoys working closely with clients to realize their ideas. Call or email us to explore having a great painting made just for you! Inquiries welcome: or 510/450-0350.
After receiving the commissioned painting shown above, the client sent the following email:
Hello Tim and Paul:
Paul, you are amazing. Monica and I absolutely love your painting. We received it Friday and have it hung already — and we feel like our room now has this incredible window — looking out to the Sierras.We just sit in our chairs and stare at your painting, and stare and smile and stare some more. The Boulders and the field have such great details and contrasts in light. Your clouds are just gorgeous. Our kids claim they can see other mountains behind your clouds, and lots of shapes keep coming out of the clouds the longer you look at it. When we look up at the painting we will always think about you in the mountains, standing in this field with your easel and paints and working your magic.
Tim — the frame is beautiful and together the frame and painting are perfect. Thanks for your help in orchestrating this and the great service getting the frame built and the picture delivered.
All the best. We will keep in touch and hope to stop by Tim’s every once and awhile to see what’s new and grand.
Thanks again.
Matt Rockwell