A Sloping Field

2022. Oil on panel, 6″ x 9″. Painting only: $750.
Framed in a No. 308.1—1 5/8″ in quartersawn white oak with Dark Weathered stain. 18kt gilt slip. (Inquire for other frame options).
Painting framed as shown: $1,100.

Spires By A Brook

2021. Oil on panel, 16″ x 8″.
Framed in a Custom Mitered—2″ in quartersawn white oak with Fumed stain. Slip finished with bronze wax.

In the Alder Bog

2021. Oil on canvas, 12″ x 9″. Painting only: $1,200.
Framed in a No. 2—2″ in fumed quartersawn white oak with Medieval stain. Slip finished with metallic powder suspended in linseed oil wax. (Inquire for other frame options.)
Painting framed as shown: $1,700.

The Trout Creek

2021. Oil on canvas, 12″ x 9″. Painting only: $1,200.
Framed in a custom No. 320—2 1/2″ with carved flute. Quartersawn white oak with Dark Medieval stain. (Inquire for other frame options.)
Painting framed as shown: $1,700.

Summer Pond

2020. Oil on canvas, 16″ x 20″.
Framed in a No. 320 CV—3″ in quartersawn white oak with Weathered stain. 18kt gilt slip. (Inquire for other frame options.)

Alder Brook

2021. Oil on canvas, 12″ x 9″. Painting only: $1,200.
Framed in a custom No. 320—2 1/2″ with carved flute. Quartersawn white oak with Dark Medieval stain. (Inquire for other frame options.)
Painting framed as shown: $1,700.

Early Spring Alders

2021. Oil on panel, 7″ x 5″.
Framed in a No. 26—1 3/4″ in quartersawn white oak with Weathered stain.


Leaning Over the Cutbank

2021. Oil on panel, 7″ x 5″.
Framed in a No. 26—1 3/4″ in quartersawn white oak with Dark Medieval stain.